What's My Scope?

Roy Kupsinel
American holistic physician
Andre Alfred Dumas
French author: parapsychology

The personality is framed inside a restless, busy curiosity.
You want to communicate with the world.
versatile, engaging, quick witted, clever, acutely perceptive, high spirited, well informed, likable, interesting, adaptable
flighty, cynical, disorganized, dissatisfied, changeable, inconsistent, fear of isolation

Black’s intensity requires a full experience and expressiveness of life. There is regeneration and transformation at the foundation of the personality.
Often secretive and mysterious, there are deep undercurrents at work. Intrigue and misunderstanding run hand in hand. There’s strong magnetic appeal and intense emotional desires. Intuitive and determined, here is the good friend and deadly enemy. Still waters run deep.
Highly motivated, nothing can deter you when inspired or driven towards a goal. Here is the idea of the void of nothingness containing the seed of everything.
motivated, courageous, passionate, forceful, exciting, extremely intuitive, magnetic, appealing
resentful, jealous, obsessive, obstinate, secretive, deadly, manipulative and duplicitous

At the center of the personality is a cool detachment.
Dark Blue is fiercely independent and loyal.
innovative, smart, determined, original
stubborn, distant, unsympathetic
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