What's My Scope?

John Travolta
American actor
Alessandra Sensini
Italian sailor

The personality is surrounded by a whole sea of intuition.
Like the constant ebb and flow of the tides, you want to apply your keen intuitive ability to nurture and serve the world. The desire to unify one's environment is strong.
sympathetic, imaginative, sensitive, receptive, strong mother influence
aloof, moody, inconsistent, turbulent, emotionally manipulative

Dark Blue implies the eternal, infinite beyond and so this is the personality of the brilliant thinker and unconventional personality. Truth seeker, innovator and humanitarian, the individual or ordinary little things can be overlooked. You belong to the future and the bigger picture.
There is a natural inquisitive nature, a progressive or radial stance and the tendency towards just causes. Unpredictable and erratic yet fiercely loyal and stubborn, you make a very good, if sometimes annoying, friend. Independent, eccentric, innovative and positive, you attract a variety of interesting people. You have the ability to be apart of any group or stand alone.
visionary, idealistic, progressive, determined, intellectual, eloquent, leadership, humanitarian
emotional detachment, unpredictable, stubborn, impatient, erratic, aloof

Emotionally reserved and understated, Dark Green’s withdrawal and detachment is compensated with a giving nature.
The self is anchored in servitude and integrity.
Fastidious and diligent, there is a steady resourceful, dutiful element at the center of the personality.
organized, methodical, earthbound, clear headed
critical, fussy, too self contained, ambitious
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