What's My Scope?

Pierre Bonnard
French artist
Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher

The personality is surrounded by a very powerful field.
You see the world as a place to master.
definitive, keenly perceptive, deeply emotional, determined, irresistible, charismatic, formidable
misunderstood, manipulative, revengeful, overbearing, secretive, jealous, turbulent, destructive, out to win

Affectionate expression guides you through life. There is an abundant sense of beauty and refinement. Needing balance and justice, this is the place of true diplomacy, artful maneuvering, and the ability to see both sides of things. Having a dependant nature being in relationship is foremost.
There is natural grace, a pleasant manner and true artistic talent. You follow tasks through to the end. You do not, however, do well with setbacks and reversals. There can be real vacillation, and extreme indecisiveness is evident. Sometimes an over thinking element can lead to difficulty. Yet, being popular and friendly, there is constant activity and many interactions.
Polished and easygoing, initial interactions are far more appealing and certainly easier than the dull and sometimes difficult elements of following through with long term commitments. Will continually avoid strife and create harmony. However people pleasing and skillful, you’re true, life long relationship is with beauty and balance.
artistic, charming, graceful, active, harmonious, engaging
flighty, fickle, lacking depth, indecisive, changeable

An expansive, good natured element is at the center of the personality.
Restless, fun loving and warm, Orange enlivens the self and is very expressive.
independent, idealistic, optimistic, enthusiastic, cheerful, lucky
careless, restless, disappointed, impatient, discouraged
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