What's My Scope?

Empress Soraya Pahlavi
Shah of Iran’s wife
Gabriele Mucchi
Italian artist, architect

The personality is set inside a field of endless possibility.
You see the world differently.
utilitarian, a keen sense of the universal, friendliness, innovative, original thinker, unconventional, brilliance
resistant to any conformity, detached, stubborn, unpredictable

Instinctual, highly sensitive and intuitive, you are affected by everything around you. Nurturing and protective, you are sometimes well hidden, always comfortable with the idea of home. Nostalgic and sentimental you treasure the past.
Attracted to the sea and romance, you carry that mystery with you. Very caring, sometimes smothering, you are someone who will go out of your way for others. Easily hurt and overly sensitive, you feel things intensely but bounce back quickly. Resilient and persevering, there is something of a fluid rhythm amidst a cautious nature. Will withdraw after setbacks but you stick to tasks with tenacity.
sensitive, caring, imaginative, sympathetic, shrewd, cautious
moody, clingy, touchy, overly emotional, insecure, redundant

At the center of the personality is a cool detachment.
Dark Blue is fiercely independent and loyal.
innovative, smart, determined, original
stubborn, distant, unsympathetic
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