What's My Scope?

William A. Boyson
homeopathic physician
Obesity case
unnamed Brazilian

The personality is set inside a field of endless possibility.
You see the world differently.
utilitarian, a keen sense of the universal, friendliness, innovative, original thinker, unconventional, brilliance
resistant to any conformity, detached, stubborn, unpredictable

Your approach to life is methodical and efficient. Being discriminating and reserved, you are one to quietly get the job done. An ingrain sense of duty or service is the usual motivation. There is an exacting, practical nature, one which focuses so intently on detail, often the bigger picture is missing. The personality is dignified and understated; a calm resolve is evident.
You are a bit of a perfectionist with a critical nature, liking everything to be just right. There is a tendency towards worry and yet, in contrast, there is also a sensual surrender and a natural, pleasant earthiness.
Sometimes a powerful sex drives comes into conflict with a naturally fastidious nature. Yet you are graced with integrity, common sense and an eye for detail.
diligence, modesty, discrimination, loyalty, industrious, helpful, integrity
nitpicking, narrow minded, critical, standoffish, overly concerned with social standing

Emotionally steady and maternal, Green softens and secures the personality with consistency, stability and duration.
The self is anchored in a definitive value system. Often traditional, usually involving the love of beauty, earthbound pleasures and acquisition. Other times there is strong physical ability and coordination.
sensual, artistic, love of luxury, determined, physical ability, staying power
obstinate, too conventional, rigid, overcautious, stubborn, possessive,
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